Your Help is NeededA single donation makes a world of difference.
You Should KnowGiving doesn’t have to be a difficult thing.
Step 1: Fund
Donate $100 or more to receive acknowledgment in program credits and password protected access to the finished film.
Step 2: Promote
Please share this Power Point widely with potential funders—time is of the essence!
Step 3: Inspire
You will be helping inspire a new generation of conservationists, helping heal our nation’s wounds from polarization and restoring “the politics of beauty” in American life.
Impact film production by becoming a sponsor today.
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Two, ThreeGetting involved is easy.
Step 1: Donate
Contribute now to help optimize the impact of this important film!Your support will help us inspire more audiences to work with their communities to achieve environmental & social justice goals.
Step 2: PromotePlease share this 2-minute trailer widely with potential contributors!
Step 3: Inspire
You will be helping inspire a new generation of conservationists, helping heal our nation’s wounds from polarization and restoring “the politics of beauty” in American life.Whatever Works for YouWe accept both PayPal and Credit Card.
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